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Miniature Mid-Century Modern Paneling


Some of you may remember that I was doing a miniature blog called Mini Mod Pod (Which is why my shop is called Mod Pod Miniatures) a few years ago and haven't really touched it in about three years. Well, I've taken a little hiatus and I'm back. Not only am I going to start blogging again, but I'm working on my own web shop as well ;-) So keep your eyes peeled!

Anyway, recently I had a good customer ask me if I had any ideas for making miniature mid-century modern paneling and I thought I would share the ideas with you too. I took a stroll back and looked at some of my past mini projects and realized that I have done several treatments that could be used as mini wood paneling.

The first two were done with wood veneers. This lighter one is a burled maple. Since most wood absorbs moisture, it's best to use some kind of contact adhesive to attach it to the walls.

The darker Mad Men styled one is strips of teak veneer with strips of aluminum textured scrapbook paper in between. Teak is inherently moisture resistant, so I tried using a water based glue. I believe I used Alleen's Quick Grab. I use this or the Quick Dry for most things.

This Butterfly house is 1/8" plywood cut into 2" strips with small strips of teak veneer in between.

This one is a whole lot of bamboo. They are bamboo bath mats cut to fit as both flooring and the siding of this 70's A-frame. Please note that bamboo can be hard to cut without a saw because it has a to split.

This one I used beech wood veneer that is typically used for real life wood edging for furniture or cabinets. It comes in spools typically starting at around 15 feet long. Its real wood with an iron adhesive on the back. I use a small quilting iron to iron it on in small spaces.

Please feel free to ask me how I do any miniature-making. I will be honest if it is something that I would prefer not to share but, I hope to make this a place where people feel free to share their ideas and solutions on making modern and mid-century modern decorative and dollhouse miniatures!

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