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In the Spirit of Mental Health Awarness Month....I'm Back Baby, Yeah!

Whew...How Things Change Over A Year! The last year has been a real whirlwind for so many people. We have all probably learned a lot of lessons and made a lot of discoveries!

Seriously, raise your hand if you were ready to throw in the towel? Anyway, long story short, my life has done a complete 180 over the last year. For many years before that I was sinking deeper in a very dark place mentally. Doing miniatures has been one of the only things that has kept me relatively sane. What it has taught me over the last year is (if you don't want to read a bunch of sappy crap, just scroll through this) that creativity is a gift and a necessity (for me, anyway). There are so many gifts in our lives, we just have to remember what they are. The miniature community is amazing and my connection with you is a huge part of my life. I've learned that I am more talented than I thought I was and I am slowly realizing my worth. I want to say thank you to everyone in the miniature community for helping me stay sane for the last several years, especially over the last year!

On that note, if anyone is going through a hard time please reach out to someone. Hell, reach out to me. I may not have any good advise, but I listen very well. Making connections with others will lead you to where you need to be.

It may feel like you have been cryogenically frozen and woken up in the future, but it will...eventually get better

Listen to your intuition and if something seems can pretty much bet your ass there is. Your body keeps score...listen to it. If you believe in signs, you will see them. Lastly, it's OK to re-evaluate your life and make changes even if it is painful. It will get better, you just need to trust yourself!

It may sound hokey, but once you get going, it may start out as Paula Abdul

says: one step forward and two (or three) steps back...eventually you will just start walking.

Please be kind to others, you never know if they are going through something or not and most of all, PLEASE be kind to yourself!

Anyhoo...On to the blog post that you are probably actually interested in…

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